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Enderbury Island - A Marine Protected Area

Enderbury Island, which is also called Ederbury Island or Guano Island, is a small, uninhabited atoll in the Pacific Ocean that is 63 km east-southeast of Kanton Island at 3°08′S 171°05′W. It is about 3 miles long and 1 mile wide, and there is a reef that goes out between 60 and 200 meters. From 1939 to 1979, the island was a part of the Canton and Enderbury Islands condominium. It is now a part of the Republic of Kiribati.

Author:Jane RestureOct 11, 2022
Located in the Pacific Ocean, EnderburyIsland (sometimes spelled Ederbury Island or Guano Island) is a tiny, deserted atoll 63 kilometers east-southeast of Kanton Island.
It's about 3 miles (4.8 km) long and 1 mile (1.6 km) wide, with a reef extending out 60-200 m. The Republic of Kiribati now owns the island, which was once part of the condominium including the Cantonand Enderbury Islands from 1939 until 1979.
In 2006, Kiribati established the Phoenix Islands PA, then in 2008, the park was enlarged. Among the eight coral atolls that make up the marine reserve's 425,300 square kilometers (164,200 square miles), Kanton is one.

What Is Enderbury Island?

Enderbury Island, also called Guano Island, is a small, uninhabited atoll in the Pacific Ocean that is 63 km east of Kanton Island. It is about 1 mile wide (1.6 km) and 3 miles long (4.8 km), and there is a reef that goes out 60 - 200 meters. The Republic of Kiribati is now in charge of the island.
The island is flat and empty, and its height ranges from 15 to 22 feet. Low shrubs like herbs, bunchgrass, sida, and morning-glory vines, as well as clumps of trees like coconut palms and kou trees, make up the plant life.
Enderbury is different from other atolls because it only has a small lagoon. The rest of the island. E.H. Bryan says that there are a lot of birds and a lot of rats. Wild cats used to live in the wild, but they no longer do.
Enderbury has been named the most important place in the Phoenix Islands group for green sea turtles to lay their eggs.
Enderbury is a place where many kinds of seabirds live and roost. It is ruled by the Republic of Kiribati. It became part of the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) in 2008, along with the other Phoenix Islands.
PIPA is the largest marine protected area in the world. The official website for the PIPA recently said that coconut palms from the nearby islands of Manra, Orona, and Nikumaroro have recently spread to Enderbury.

Enderbury Island Reefs

Enderbury Island marine Reefs
Enderbury Island marine Reefs
The surveys done in 2000 by Obura et al. found that most reef sites had between 20 and 25% live coral cover. Most of the corals at the windward site were encrusting or submassive, and there were only a few large coral colonies and a lot of small ones.
This shows that branching and plating corals are constantly breaking apart, which stops them from getting big. Wave energy on the southern, eastern, and northern reefs of the islands hurts the branching and plating forms and makes coral rubble at the bottom of the reef.
The most abundant coral species at Enderbury were: Pavona maldivensis, Leptastrea purpurea, Goniastrea stelligera, Favites pentagona, Pocillopora verrucosa, Porites lutea, Pavona minuta, Pavona clavus and Pavona varians.

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Where Is Enderbury?

Enderbury Atoll, also called Enderbury Island or Guano, is one of the Phoenix Islands in the west-central Pacific Ocean, about 1,650 miles (2,660 km) southwest of Hawaii.
It is part of the country of Kiribati and is called Enderbury Island or Guano. It has a shallow, salty lagoon. The coral island is 2.5 square miles in size (6.5 square km).

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Various species of seabirds have made Enderbury their home or wintering ground. In 2008, it and the other Phoenix Islands were included in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA).
The PIPA MPA is the world's largest of its kind. According to the PIPA's official website, coconut palms have lately migrated to Enderbury from the neighboring islands of Manra, Orona, and Nikumaroro.
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Jane Resture

Jane Resture

Since she embarked on her first world trip in 2002, Jane Resture spent the past decades sharing her personal journey and travel tips with people around the world. She has traveled to over 80 countries and territories, where she experienced other cultures, wildlife she had only read about in books, new foods, new people, and new amazing experiences. Jane believes that travel is for everyone and it helps us learn about ourselves and the world around us. Her goal is to help more people from more backgrounds experience the joy of exploration because she trusts that travel opens the door to the greatest, most unforgettable experiences life can offer and this builds a kinder, more inclusive, more open-minded world.
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